Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Cabbage is a source of vitamin C, vitamin B1, riboflavin, niasin, vitamin B6, vitamin K, folate acid, vitamin A, carbohydrate and protein.
Every 100 grams of cabbage contains 25 calory, it also contains unsaturated fat and has a high fiber and folate contents.
The advantages of cabbage:
Anticancer And Support Diet Program
Cabbage has a low calory, so it's good for support the diet program. It also has an anti-inflammation character. Vitamin C that contained in the cabbage will fight the free radicals, so it is an anticancer too.
Support The Digestion
Cabbage has a high fiber content, so it can treating some digestion problem. Lack of fiber potentially arise some diseases like constipation, headache, colon cancer, digestion problems, skin diseases, eczema, hemorrhoids, etc.
Cabbage contains a lot of sulfur, sulfur has a function to fight any infections.
Brain Health
Cabbage contains a lot of iodine, iodine has a function to support brain work and nerve. Besides it, cabbage also can treats Alzheimer.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of cabagge, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!
Title: Cabbage
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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