Saturday, November 24, 2012
And the oxalate acid content and folate acid content can treating some diseases, for examples it can treating eczema, asthma, caring face skin, caring hair, lower the cholesterol level, etc.
But the main benefits are omits sluggish, tired and not passionate as the signs of anemia.
Besides it, spinach is very good as amino acid source, protein, vitamin A, C and E, iron, calcium, potassium and unsaturated fat.
Vitamin A and E in spinach have a function as antioxidants.
There are 2 kind of spinachs, these are green and red spinach.
These are the spinach contents and the advantages of the contents:
Vitamin A
It's good for eyes, antioxidants and also caring bones and teeth. Hair and skin health also affected by vitamin A, it also support reproduction process.
Vitamin C
It has a function as an anti-aging, soften skin, and hold the tyrosinase enzyme down. By hold the tyrosinase enzyme down skins will looks brighter.
Vitamin E
It has a function as antioxidants. And it is can treating thrombosis problem.
Iron is a vital needs of people. It's a transportation media of oxygen to all parts of the body. It also produce hemoglobins and increase immune.
The minerals contents of spinach are good for caring bones and teeth, increasing heart's work, and a right thrombosis. It also support bones structure and liver for keep the alkaline balance in the body.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of spinach, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!
Title: Spinach
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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