Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The fruits have various taste, like sweet, sour, etc. The nutritions contents of zalacca is good for health, it has a high nutritions and vitamins.
The contents of zalacca:
- Calory
- Protein
- Carbohydrate
- Calcium
- Phosporus
- Iron
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin C
- Water
Treating Eyes
Zalacca contain beta-carotene, it's very good for caring eyes. Every 100 grams of zalacca contains beta-carotene more than mango, guava and watermelon have.
Get 50 grams of young zalacca and consume it directly, it's a natural medicine to stop diarrhea.
Healthy Snack
Zalacca usually served as snack on the table. It has various taste like sweet, sour, etc. Beside it has a delicious and fresh taste, it also has a high nutritions and vitamins.
Help Diet Program
The nutritions and phytonutrients contents of zalacca can help you to do your diet program. In a zalacca contain 2 mg of vitamin C, tannins and fiber. It's a good nutritions that will help you to complete your diet program.
That is the advantages of zalacca for health, if you want to consume zalacca please don't remove the epidermis. Because the epidermis contain a lot of nutritions too, like fiber.
We can processing zalacca to be a lot of delicious dishes and beverages. Beside it has a good taste, it also has a lot of advantages for our health.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of zalacca, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!
Title: Zalacca
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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