Sugar Cane
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
The leaves are good biomass, they have a high calory level. They can be used as alternative fuel.
Beside can be processed as sugar, sugar cane also can be processed as MSG. MSG is mononatrium glutamate. MSG used as the additive of various foods.
The advantages of sugar cane:
Sugar cane contains octacosonal, it's a kind of alcohol that can lower cholesterol level in the blood.
Anti Diabetes
Sugar cane juice contains saccharan, an anti diabetes substance. Saccharan will be lost when sugar canes are processed to make sugar. But saccharose content still left, saccharose is the diabetes trigger. That is the difference of sugar cane juice and sugar.
Breast Cancer
Sugar cane is an alkali that support to fight breast cancer and prostate. Drink the juice routinely to fight the cancer.
Strengthen Teeth And Gum
Get the sugar cane juice and add lime juice and a little salt. It can strengthen teeth and gum.
Treating Nosebleed
Boil some sugar cane, add salt and palm sugar, screen it and drink the water for treating nosebleed.
Prevent Stroke
Drink sugar cane juice routinely, it can keep the body metabolism, so it can help to prevent stroke.
Squeeze 5 segment of black sugar cane and drink the water.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of sugar cane, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!
Title: Sugar Cane
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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