
Posted by Advantages Workshop Wednesday, November 21, 2012 0 comments
Grape (Vitis Vinifera L.) is not just a good source of vitamin A, C, B6 and folate. But, it also a good source of potassium, calcium, iron, phosporus, magnesium, and selenium.
That vitamins are very useful to keep our health. And these are some adnvantages that we can get if we consume it routinely:

Grape can increase water content at lungs. It's very good for asthma patients because it can reduce breath problem.

Red grape has an antibacterial content and a strong antivirus, so it can keep our body from infections and bacteriums.

Based on the research, grape can increase the brain's health and prevents from alzheimer. It's because grape contain resveratol, it is a polyphenols that reduce amyloidal beta peptides level at Alzheimer patients.

Breast Cancer
A research also show that purple grape juice can help on avoid breast cancer, it can reduce tumor mass in the breast.

Grape contain organic acid, sugar, cellulose that well-known as laxative. It's very good to get over the excretion problem.

Grape juice contain instant energy. Grape juice has a high iron contain, it can reduce tired and increase immune.

Heart Problem
Nitric oxide level in the blood will increase when you consume grape, it has a function for prevent thrombosis and reduce heart attack risk. And the antioxidants can stop the oxidation of cholesterol that can hold the blood vessel.

Digest Problem
If you consume grape routinely, it will help you prevent the digest problem.

Drink a pure grape juice without any addition every morning, it can treating migraint or headache.

Kidney Problem
Grape can help discard the acid from kidney. It means it reduce the problem of kidney's pressure.

We've explain about the contents and some advantages of grape, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!
Title: Grape
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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