Red Fruit
Friday, February 8, 2013
The benefits of red fruit:
Red fruit contains tokopherol and beta caroten, so it has an antioxidants effects and increase immune. The combine of tokopherol and beta caroten will dissolve ammino acids, ammino acids is needed by the virus that cause HIV/AIDS. So HIV/AIDS virus will die and prevent the disease.
Cancer And Tumor
Cancer and tumor are caused by the irregularity hormones in the body that cause cancer and tumor will grow in the normal body. With it tokopherol and antioxidants contents it has antioxidants effect and prevent the growth of cancer and tumor cells.
Hypertension And Stroke
Hypertension and stroke have a connection, stroke is caused by hypertension. And hypertension is caused by the lack of oxygen level in the blood so heart will pumps harder and harder. With the tokopherol content of red fruit it will normalize the oxygen level in the blood so it will ease the heart's work.
Uric Acid
Uric acid is caused by the dysfunction of liver, so liver will produce uric acid excessively. Tokopherol of red fruit will maintenance the liver and normalize the produce of uric acid.
Diabetes Melitus
Diabetes melitus is caused by pancreas gland can't produce insulin in a normal amount.Tokopherol will normalize the pancreas gland's work and normalize the produce of insulin.
Osteoporosis is caused by the lack of calcium in the body. It usually suffered by the elderly. Red fruit contains high calcium that good for the elderly to prevent osteoporosis and keep the health of bones.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of red fruit, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!
Title: Red Fruit
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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