Friday, February 1, 2013
Rambutan can treat dysentery, cold, sprue, diarrhea and also can treat diabetes. It has delicious and sweet taste and also has a lot of benefits for health by consume it routinely.
The advantages of rambutan:
Every 100 grams of rambutan contains 84 of calories, if someone has a diet program, consume rambutan as a alternative snack are recommended. Rambutan will give 4,2% of daily calories that needed by the body.
Rambutan known as a fruit that has low fat, most of calories that contained are from carbohydrate, it's recommended to consume 130 grams of rambutan a day.
Daily Vitamin
Every 100 grams of rambutan contains about 40% daily vitamin C that neede by the body, and it also contains 1% of vitamin B3 that good for health.
Daily Mineral
Rambutan contains high iron, it needed to control oxygen in the body. Iron help to prevent fatigue and headache that caused by anemia. Besides it, rambutan also contains phosporus that will help to filter the waste of kidney and also needed to support the growth and keep the health of the body.
Traditional Medicine
Besides contains a lot of good nutrients for health, rambutan also can kill the colon's parasites and reduce diarrhea. It also can treat cold.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of rambutan, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!
Title: Rambutan
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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