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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Celery (Apium Graveolens) is look like an ordinary leaves with no benefits, but in fact it has a lot of vitamins. Beside contains vitamins, it also contains ammino acids, boron, calcium, chlor, essential fat acids, folate, inositol, iron, magnesium, mangaan, phosporus, potassium, selen, sulfur, and zinc. And also it has vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. Celery also contains fiber.
The advantages of celery:
Lower Blood Pressure
Celery contains chemistry substance that can lower some stress hormones in the blood. It will widen the blood vessels so the blood pressure level will reduced.
Lower Cholesterol
Consume celery everyday can lower the cholesterol level and reduce cholesterol that clog in the artery.
Uric Acids
The celery's seeds help to reduce uric acids, so celery will useful for anyone who has kidney problems.
Healthy Bones And Ligaments
Consume celery routinely is good to take care the health of bones and ligaments because it contains a lot of calcium and phosporus. It also can treat rheumatic, uric acids and ligament inflammation.
Celery contains phythalides and polycetylenes, these components has an anticancer and carsinogen detoxification effects. So it will prevent someone from the risks of cancer.
Consume celery everyday will increase immune, because it contains a lot of vitamin C that can take care the body.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of celery, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Monday, February 18, 2013
Bengkuang Yam Bean (Pachyrhizus erosus) or sometimes it called as bengkuang, bengkoang or juicy tuber, it has a fresh and juicy sensation when ate.
The advantages of bengkuang:
First Benefit of Bengkuang is contains a lots of vitamin C. Vitamin C is the good vitamin to increase the immune system and can prevent some dangerous disease. Beside it, vitamin C also is a good source of antioxidant and can help to inhibit free radical.
Beside it, High Vitamin B1 content also as the benefits of bengkuang fruit for health. Vitamin B1 was a good nutrition to prevent dangerous disease, Beri-beri.
Fresh Fruit
Well, Bengkuang is a fresh fruit that contains a lots of water. By consume bengkuang, it will give a fresh sensation for the consumer.
Lower Cholesterol
This Fresh Fruit also can help us, to prevent heart disease and stroke which that caused by high cholesterol content inside our body. Bengkuang Fruit can help to lower bad cholesterol inside the body, this benefits was caused by high antioxidant, fiber, and the rich in water content of Bengkuang. Well, this is Amazing Benefits of Bengkuang Fruit for Health.
Bengkuang is contains phytoestrogen substance. This substance is very useful for menopause women. A lots of women use bengkuang to overcome the menopause problem, when they comes in menopause time.
Healthy Digestion
High Fiber Content on Bengkuang Fruit also can help to get more healthy Digestion and prevent constipation. Beside it, Fiber also can help to prevent and overcome some digestive disorder, such as Colon Cancer.
Prevent Diabetes
The last bengkuang benefits for Health, is can help to lower glucose levels, prevent diabetes. And help the people with weight loss program.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of bengkuang, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Friday, February 15, 2013
Mustard (Brassica Juncea) is a vegetable that has a lot of benefits for life. Mustard consist of 2 kinds, there are green mustard and white mustard. Both of them have amazing benefits for life, so consume it routinely will give benefits for health and the body.
The advantages of mustard:
Mustard contains vitamin K that will control protein and calcium in the bones.
Cholesterol And Diabetes Mellitus
Calcium of mustard also will lower the cholesterol level and prevent diabetes mellitus.
Prevent Heart Attack
Mustard also contains niacin that has a function to minimize the atherochlerosis process and finally it will lower the risk of heart attack.
Health Of Eyes
Mustard also will keep the health of corneal with it vitamin A content, it will increase the produce of keratin that good for eyes.
Mustard contains folic acids that has an antioxidants effect. Consume it routinely will complete the daily vitamin E needs.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of mustard, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Soya Bean (Glycine Max) is a kind of grains that usually can find in the traditional market and sometimes it can found in the supermarket. Soya bean contains complete proteins and contains essential amino acids, that's why consume soya beans give a positive effect for the body and health. Soya beans usually consumed by japanese, chinese and korean, that's why they have resistance from heart problems, osteoporosis, breast cancer and prostate cancer.
The advantages of soya beans:
Soya bean contains a substance that called as isoflavones, it can increase immune and health. It can repair cells and keep the health of cells.
Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attack
Protein and isoflavones of soya bean help to reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). It can lower the risk of heart attack that caused by cholesterol.
Prevent Cancer
Isoflavones of soya bean is an anticancer substance that will fight and kill the cancer cells. It will keep the body and prevent cervical cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Prevent Osteoporosis
Proteins of soya bean help to absorb calcium in the bones. Isoflavones of soya bean help to reduce the thinning of the bones.
Isoflavones of soya bean help to control the estrogen. It can reduce hot flushes in the body of menopause woman.
Diabetes And Kidney Disease
Protein and fiber of soya bean help to control the glucose level in the blood and it will normalize the sugar blood level and also help to reduce kidney disease.
Keep The Weight
It contains high fiber, so it will control the digestion system and help anyone who has a diet program to complete it successfully.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of soya bean, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Friday, February 8, 2013
Red Fruit (Pandanus Conoideus Lam) is a plant that original from Papua. It has a lot of benefits for life, and it can treat some chronic diseases. Red fruit has antioxidants effects and it also can treat degenerative diseases such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, heart problems, etc. It also can increase stamina.
The benefits of red fruit:
Red fruit contains tokopherol and beta caroten, so it has an antioxidants effects and increase immune. The combine of tokopherol and beta caroten will dissolve ammino acids, ammino acids is needed by the virus that cause HIV/AIDS. So HIV/AIDS virus will die and prevent the disease.
Cancer And Tumor
Cancer and tumor are caused by the irregularity hormones in the body that cause cancer and tumor will grow in the normal body. With it tokopherol and antioxidants contents it has antioxidants effect and prevent the growth of cancer and tumor cells.
Hypertension And Stroke
Hypertension and stroke have a connection, stroke is caused by hypertension. And hypertension is caused by the lack of oxygen level in the blood so heart will pumps harder and harder. With the tokopherol content of red fruit it will normalize the oxygen level in the blood so it will ease the heart's work.
Uric Acid
Uric acid is caused by the dysfunction of liver, so liver will produce uric acid excessively. Tokopherol of red fruit will maintenance the liver and normalize the produce of uric acid.
Diabetes Melitus
Diabetes melitus is caused by pancreas gland can't produce insulin in a normal amount.Tokopherol will normalize the pancreas gland's work and normalize the produce of insulin.
Osteoporosis is caused by the lack of calcium in the body. It usually suffered by the elderly. Red fruit contains high calcium that good for the elderly to prevent osteoporosis and keep the health of bones.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of red fruit, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Banana (Musa Paradisiaca) is a fruit that has a lot of benefits and also contains nutritions that needed for health. Banana is known good for brain and can make smarter the consumers.
The advantages of banana:
Reduce Stress
Not only that, banana also can reduce stress, it contains potassium, potassium is a mineral taht help to normalize the heartbeats, it will control the balance of the body. Potassium level in the body of someone that get stress will drop drastically, it will cause the body metabolism increase drastically.
Banana usually use to reduce colons diseases and stomach problems. Banana can neutralize hydrochloric acids. For someone who has stomach problems can get some bananas and drink a glass of milk.
Energy Source
Banana is easy to eat, so the sugar content that contained in it will turns into energy source that good for the body and muscle formation, it also can reduce fatigue.
Nutrients For Pregnant Woman
A pregnant woman is recommended to eat banana because it contains high folic acids that important for the baby. Banana will help the formation of new cells and prevent disability of the baby.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of banana, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Pineapple (Ananas Comosus) has some benefits for health. Pineapple contains high vitamin C, it also contains phytochemical that very good for health. Phytochemichal has antioxidants effect, so it will prevent and reduce the risk of cancer. This fruit contains high vitamin A and vitamin C as antioxidants. It also contains calcium, phosporus, magnesium, iron, potassium, dectrose, sucrose and bromelain enzyme. Bromelain enzyme has anti-inflammation effect and stop the growth of cancer cells. And it also contains fiber that good for someone who have constipation.
A ripe pineapple has some properties:
- Cool effect
- Reduce gastric acid
- Anti inflammation
- Help the digestion system
- Diuretic effect
- Stop the growth of cancer cells
- Prevent the coagulation of trombocyte
- Reduce the risk of hypertension
- Burn fat, it's good for anyone who have a diet program
- Contains high vitamin C that can prevent cancer
- Prevent influenza
- Increase immune
- Brighter the skins
But pineapple has some side effects and also a negative effects:
Young pineapple has abortivum effect that can cause abortion on pregnancy.
Trigger Rheumatic
In the digestion system, pineapple is turn into alcohol, it will trigger rheumatic for the consumer.
Increase Sugar Blood
Pineapple has high sugar content, so it will increase the sugar level in the blood.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of pineapple, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Mung Beans (Vigna Radiata) has a lot of benefits to treat some diseases and also has high nutrition for health. Mung beans has some similar nutritions with soya beans. Mung beans contains a lot of nutritions, such as protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosporus, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc.
The benefits of mung beans's contents:
Protein is the main content of mung beans, 24% mung beans contents is protein. In daily life, mung beans help pregnant woman to complete the daily nutritions, it contents will healthy the baby.
Calcium And Phosporus
It contains high calcium and phosporus, so consume mung beans routinely will support the growth of teeth and bones and also will keep their health.
Low Fat
If somebody has a diet program, mung beans is a good choice as an alternative food to complete the diet program. Because it has low unsaturated fat that good for health and good for diet.
Unsaturated Fat
Mung beans contains unsaturated fat, so it will healthier heart and it's good for keep the body shape.
The benefits of mung beans to get a healthy life:
- Reduce negative effects of alcohol.
- Lower hypertension
- Diarrhea
- Kidney inflammation
- Beri-beri
- Impotence
- Reduce acnes
- Maintenance the digest system
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of mung beans, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Friday, February 1, 2013
Rambutan (Naphelium Lappaceum) contains carbohydrate, protein, fat, iron, calcium, and vitamin C. Rambutan has medicine properties that very good for health and can treat a lot of diseases.
Rambutan can treat dysentery, cold, sprue, diarrhea and also can treat diabetes. It has delicious and sweet taste and also has a lot of benefits for health by consume it routinely.
The advantages of rambutan:
Every 100 grams of rambutan contains 84 of calories, if someone has a diet program, consume rambutan as a alternative snack are recommended. Rambutan will give 4,2% of daily calories that needed by the body.
Rambutan known as a fruit that has low fat, most of calories that contained are from carbohydrate, it's recommended to consume 130 grams of rambutan a day.
Daily Vitamin
Every 100 grams of rambutan contains about 40% daily vitamin C that neede by the body, and it also contains 1% of vitamin B3 that good for health.
Daily Mineral
Rambutan contains high iron, it needed to control oxygen in the body. Iron help to prevent fatigue and headache that caused by anemia. Besides it, rambutan also contains phosporus that will help to filter the waste of kidney and also needed to support the growth and keep the health of the body.
Traditional Medicine
Besides contains a lot of good nutrients for health, rambutan also can kill the colon's parasites and reduce diarrhea. It also can treat cold.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of rambutan, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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