Sunday, December 2, 2012
It has an unique texture and has a lot of small seeds. Besides it delicious taste, kiwi also contains high vitamin C.
There are some contents and it advantages for health:
Folate Acid
Folate acid is very good for pregnant mother, it will support the growth of brain. Folate acid also needed to prevent spinal defect for baby.
Vitamin C
Kiwi is a source of vitamin C, it contains vitamin C more than orange has. It has some function as antioxidants and keep the immune.
Vitamin E
It has a lot of vitamin E, and it has a function as an antioxidantas, anticancer and keep the heart's health.
The fiber content of kiwi has function to lower the cholesterol level and prevent constipation.
Zinc is support to produce testosterone hormone on male, so it is good for men's reproduction.
Kiwi contains potassium more than banana has, but kiwi only contains a half of banana's calories. It has high potassium and low calory.
Carotenoids Lutein
Besides contains them, kiwi also a good source of carotenoids lutein. It has a function to keep the eyes's health, especially for old people.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of kiwi, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!
Title: Kiwi
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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