Sunday, March 10, 2013
There are some advantages of pumpkin:
Source Of Vitamin A
A cup of pumpkin has 145% of daily vitamin A, it is recommended to consume it everyday to keep the health of eyes and the body.
Source Of Vitamin C
Pumpkin also a good source of vitamin C that will help to increase the immune. It contains a natural antioxidants that will keep the body and fight the free radicals to prevent some diseases such as cancer, tumor, etc.
Source Of Omega 3
Pumpkin contains high omega 3 that very good for the brain, it's good to consume it everyday.
Pumpkin also provides daily fiber and it will ease constipation and some stomach problems.
Good For Pregnant Mother
Pumpkin contains high folate acids that will complete the daily need of folate acids for pregnant mother. It will reduce the risk of baby's disability.
Betacaroten of pumpkin can prevent some diseases such as lungs problems and colon cancer. It also good for the heart's health.
Potassium And Mangaan
Pumpkin also provides potassium and mangaan that very good for health.
Prevent Cancer
It contains phytonutrients that has a natural anticancer. It can prevent the risk of cancers and also keep the body's health.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of pumpkin, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader , Hopefully It's Useful
Title: Pumpkin
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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