Tuesday, March 12, 2013
The advantages of cashew:
Weight Loss
About 75% of fat that contained in cashew is good unsaturated fat. Besides it, cashew contains fiber in a large amount. Unsaturated fat of cashew will help to lower the weight but give more energy for the body. Cashew also improve the body metabolism.
Increase The Heart's Health And Lower The Bad Cholesterol
Monounsaturated fats of cashew help to increase the heart's health. This fat found on Mediteranian diet. Consume cashew routinely will increase the amount of good cholesterol and reduce the bad cholesterol level.
Lower The Risk Of Cancer
The antioxidants and vitamin content of cashew will help to fight the free radicals in the body. Cashew can help to increase immune and kill the cancer cells that grow in the body.
Increase The Brain's Function
Cashew can help to increase the oxygen that flow to the brain. It because of the polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats of cashew that increase the produce of brain cells, so it will increase the brain function too.
Strengthen The Bones
Magnesium that found in cashew will improve to sthrengthen the bones, magesium and calcium will help the growth of bones.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of cashew, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader , Hopefully It's Useful
Title: Cashew
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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