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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Monday, January 28, 2013
Duku (Lansium Domesticum Corr) has a lot of benefits, but sometimes peoples prefer to not eat it because it has sour taste. Duku actually has a lot of benefits, contains a lot of good nutrients for body and also has fresh taste. It can be processed as traditional snack like duku pudding and other snack. It can be harvested only once a year.
The advantages of duku:
Duku contains a lot of dietary fiber, it's good for digest system, prevent colon cancer and also fight the free radicals and prevent cancer. It will help someone that has a diet program to complete it successfully.
Duku's seeds has contents that can stop diarrhea directly. Mash some duku's seeds, and pour some water, drink it three times a day.
Strengthen Teeth
Duku contains a lot of phosporus that good for teeth's health.
Treat Cancer
Parasite of duku's tree can stop the growth of cancer cells and fight the cancer.
Repel Mosquitos
Duku's rind can be used to repel mosquitos, dry it and then mash it to repel mosquitos.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of duku, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fijian Longan (Pometia Pinnata) is a fruit that come from Papua island. Fijian longan can be harvested once a year. In Papua, fijian longan are divided into 2 kinds, the first kinds is coconut fijian longan and the second one is pepeda fijian longan.
Fijian longan can be consume directly, it has an unique taste. Fijian longan has combination taste from rambutan, longan and durian. It has high vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, but it also has saturated glucose, so if consume it in a large amount it will makes the consumer feel "high". Besides has a delicious taste and good nutrients for life, fijian longan also has a high price.
Fijian longan has some advantages for life:
Fijian longan contains a lot of vitamin C, so it has an antioxidants effect and fight the free radicals that attack the immune system. VItamin C also can increase immune. Vitamin E of fijian longan can help to reduce stress, increase immune and increase fertility. It can minimize the risk of cancer and coronary heart.
Skin Care
Vitamin E of fijian longan also keep the health of skin, it will keep and increase the skin moisture and keep the elasticity of skin. Vitamin E also has an antioxidants effect, it will fight the free radicals.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of fijian longan, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Longan (Dimocarpus Longan) is a fruit that original from South East Asia. It's round shaped and has brown skin. Longan can treat and heal some diseases and also can be used to increase energy for the body.
Longan contains a lot of good nutrients for health, it contains sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, phosporus, carbohydrate, and other nutrients that good for health. That's why consuming longan is good for health, but for diabetes patients are not recommended to consume longan in a large amount because it has high sugar content.
There are some advantages of longan:
- Can treat stomachache
- Treat insomnia
- Treat amnesia
- Increase appetite
- Increase energy of the body
- Longan contains fiber that good for digest system
- Reduce headache
- Treat hernia
- Treat leucorrhohea
Consume longan routinely to get all of it advantages and keep the healthy life. But remember not to consume it in a large amount to prevent diabetes and sugar blood problem.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of longan, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Turmeric (Curcumae Domesticae Rhizoma) is a rhizome that has a lot of benefits for life. It's usually used as traditional medicine or healthy beverage and also used as seasoning. The Indians are first peoples that use turmeric for treatment and healing.
And there are the benefits of turmeric:
Turmeric is an antiseptic agent and natural antibacteria, used as desinfectant for wounds and scorch.
Prostate Cancer
Turmeric if combined with cauliflower can stop the growth of prostate cancer. Consume it routinely to treat cancer.
Prevent Leukemia
Consume turmeric routinely everyday help the leukemia healing process.
Turmeric help to discard the toxic substances from liver and keep the liver from any diseases.
Turmeric will hold up the progress of alzheimer and omit the plaque sedimentation from brain.
Turmeric contains a lot of anticancer substances, so it will prevent from cancer. Consume routinely to prevent the growth of cancer cells.
In China tuirmeric used as antidepressed medicine. It has an effect to relax the body and mind.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of turmeric, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Starfruit (Averrhoa Carambola) is a tasty fruit. It has star shaped with five corners. Starfruit is from India and some countries in South East Asia. Starfruit can be harvested three times a year. Starfruit can treat cough on children. It contains a lot of vitamin C, has an anti-inflammation effect, analgesic, diuretics, so it is good to treat cough, sprue, sore throat, cold, diabetes and cholesterol. It contains high vitamin C, so it also good for cancer patients.
Even it has a lot of benefits, but for kidney disease patients they have to be careful to consume starfruit because it contains a lot of oxalic acids, it's dangerous for them.
Starfruit contains sodium, fiber, protein, vitamin A, vitamn C, vitamn E, folic acids, potassium, phosporus, magnesium and calcium.
Starfruit has a lot of advantages for health:
Starfruit contains a lot of pectin that can break cholesterol and keep the body's shape.
Starfruit contents can help to discard toxics that located in liver, rectal and bile, so it will prevent from hepatitis and liver problems.
Refresh The Body
Starfruit juice can refresh the body and increase immune.
Starfruit contains high vitamin C, it has an antioxidants effect. It can prevent cancer and fight the free radicals.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of starfruit, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Sugar Apple (Annona Squamosa) has very sweet taste, beside it sugar apple also has a lot of benefits for health. Sugar apple is from West Indies, it's easy to grow everywhere.
And there are some advantages of sugar apple:
Sugar Apple Root
Sugar apple root contains flavonoid, borneol, camphor, tarpene, saponnin, tannin, and polyphenol. It has bitter taste. It can treat dysentery, constipation, depressed, and backbone pain.
Sugar Apple Leaves
Sugar apple leaves is bitter. It has an anti-inflammation effect. It can treat cough, cold, rheumatic, lower the uric acid, diarrhea, dysentery, eczema, and some skin diseases.
Sugar Apple Seeds
The seeds trigger the digest enzyme, abortivum, anthelmintic, and insect killer. The contents of sugar apple seeds are oil, resin and other toxic substances.
Young Sugar Apple
Young sugar apple contains tannin and it can treat diarrhea, dysentery, and other digest problems.
Sugar Apple
Sugar apple also has benefits for beauty, contains anti-oxidants and vitamin C, it can help to fight the free radicals. And high potassium content can prevent the heart problems.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of sugar apple, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Rose Apple (Eugenia Aquea) is a fruit that original from South East Asia, it has various colours. Rose apple is a fruit that contains a lot of water in it meat. It's not only good for health but also for beauty.
Rose apple has a lot of good nutrients for health, it contains water, protein, ash, carbohydrate, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosporus, zinc, copper, potassium, manganese, selenium, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin A, vitamin E, etc.
The advantages of rose apple:
Refill The Body Fluids
Rose apple contains a lot of water, so it will refill the body with it water. The water is very important to clean kidney system from urea and uric acid. It will remove them and clean it.
Vitamin A
Rose apple has a lot of vitamin A. It will care the eyes and increase immune, it also will increase the work of leukocyte.
Rose apple contains a lot of vitamin C, it will increase the immune and recover the broken cells in the body. Consume rose apple to complete the vitamin C needs and refresh the body. It also can prevent cancer with the antioxidants effect that cause of high vitamin C content of rose apple.
Good Source Of Nutrients
Rose apple has a fresh effect and it is very tasty fruit. And also a lot of nutrients that good for the body like protein, vitamins, carbohydrate, etc. It's really a good fruit with a lot of good nutrients for life.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of rose apple, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Monday, January 7, 2013
Persimmon (Diospyros Lotus) is a tasty fruit that has a lot of advantages for life. By the physical side maybe persimmon is not as interesting as apple or orange, but by the contents side it has a lot of good nutrients for health too. Persimmon has a main characteristic, it has an apple shaped but has white powder on it surface.
The advantages of persimmon:
Slimmer The Body
Persimmon can keep the body still slim. It has same effect as apple. Consume persimmon to get a slim body.
Prevent Heart Problem
Persimmon can lower the cholesterol level in the body because it contains polyphenol that can lower the bad cholesterol that not good for health.
Persimmon can treat hypertension. Get a cup of persimmon juice and add some warm water, drink it once a day.
Persimmon also good to heal asthma. Get some slices of the fruit than stew it. After that, mash it and add a spoon of honey, consume it to treat asthma and cough.
Persimmon contains carbohydrate, fructose, glucose, protein, vitamin A, and potassium that good for reduce the pain of stomachache. Get some fresh persimmon and consume it directly to stop the stomachache.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of persimmon, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Mango (Mangifera Indica) is not only a tasty fruit but also a healthy fruit. In a mango contained 105% of calories, 76% of vitamin C, 25% of vitamn A, 11% of vitamin B6, 9% of fiber, 9% of copper, 7% of potassium, and 4% of magnesium.
These are some advantages of mango:
Prevent Cancer
A research shows that antioxidants of mango protect the body from the risk of colons cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, and prostate cancer. The substances of mango that has anticarcinogens effect are quercetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid, and methylgallat.
Lower Cholesterol
The high content of fiber, pectin and vitamin C of mango help to lower the cholesterol level in the blood.
Brighter The Skin
The substance of mango can clean the pores and reduce acnes.
Healthy Eyes
A cup of mango contains 25% of daily vitamin A. Consume mango is good for eyes.
Fulfill The Alkali Needs
Tartaric acid, malic acid, and citric acid of mango help to fulfill the alkali needs.
Normalize Insulin Level
Mango leaves help to normalize insulin level in the blood, mango also has a low glicemic index so consume mango is not affect the sugar level in the blood.
Increase Sex Performance
Mango has high vitamin E, it can increase sex performance and increase energy.
Increase Immune
Vitamin C and vitamin A of mango affect the immune and increase it, and it has 25 kinds of carotenoid that will help to keep the immune.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of mango, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Friday, January 4, 2013
Asparagus (Asparagus cochinchinensis) has a lot of benefits for life. Asparagus has high antioxidants and it can keep the immune and prevent from cancer.
Asparagus has a lot of good nutrients for the body. It contains fiber, folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, and chromium.
The advantages of asparagus:
Asparagus is a source of antioxidants, it has antioxidants in a large amount. It also has glutathione, it is a detoxification substance that help to break carcinogens and free radicals. That's why asparagus is a good choice to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body.
Natural Diuretics
Asparagus has high ammino acids asparagine, it has a diuretics effect. It is good to a person that has hypertension problem or heart problem.
Folic Acids
Asparagus contains a lot of folic acids that will prevent kinds of heart problem. It also reduce the risk of baby's disability, pelvis cancer, colons cancer and rectal cancer.
It will reduce the pain of menstruation and stimulate the sexual organs.
Vitamin C
Asparagus contains vitamin C that help the body to reduce the risk of cancer and increase immune.
Potassium content of asparagus will keep the heart function, normalize the blood pressure, regulate the electrolyte balance, heal prostate cancer, etc.
Prevent Osteoporosis
Asparagus contains a lot of vitamin K that good to care the bones. It will prevent from osteoporosis and care bones and teeth.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of asparagus, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Apple (Malus Domestica) is a favourit fruit for families in the world. It has various kinds, such as green apple, red apple, japan apple, etc. Apple can be found at traditional market, supermarket, fruit store, etc. In an apple, it contains a lot of benefits for body and health. Apple has alot of vitamins, minerals, fiber, tannin, phytochemical, etc. They are the good substances that necessary for body and health. Apple is very good for health.
The advantages of apple for health:
Prevent Asthma
Get a glass of apple juice everyday for prevent and lower the risk of breath problem. Apple juice also good for pregnant woman, it will prevent the risk of asthma to the baby.
Prevent Alzhemier
The quercetin content of apple will protect brain from free radicals that can cause Alzheimer.
Reduce Weight
Consume apple three times a day can help to reduce the weight, it will help someone that has a diet program to succeded it. It is because apple contains high fiber, that makes feel full longer.
Prevent Cancer
Consume an apple routinely at least once a day to prevent the risk of cancer. It is because apple has high antioxidants that will prevent the growth of cancer cells, such as breast cancer, colons cancer, lungs cancer, liver cancer, etc.
Lower The Cholesterol Level
Get 2 apples a day to lower the LDL level. The fiber content of apple help to binding and discard the fat and bad cholesterol from the body.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of apple, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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Posted by Advantages Workshop
Mangosteen (Garcinia Mangostana) has a lot of good nutrients for health, it contains some vitamins like vitamin B and vitamin C. It also contains carbohydrate, protein, fat, water, calcium, phosporus, iron and some chemical substances that good for health.
Mangosteen is a fruit that cannot be decayed. It become dry if it left for some days. It cannot be decayed because it has high antioxidants.
Mangosteen has a lot of advantages:
Treat And Prevent Cancer
Mangosteen extract can prevent the growth of cancer cells because mangosteen has high antioxidants. It will prevent the growth of lungs, liver and colon cancer cells.
Treat Some Deadly Diseases
Mangosteen contains xanthones substance that can treat some deadly diseases, like diabetes, cancer, anthritis, alzheimer, heart attack, etc.
Weight Loss
Xanthones substance of mangosteen can burn food to be energy faster. It will make the body healthier. And also can loss some weight, so it will healthier and slimmer.
Reduce Pain
Consume mangosteen routinely to reduce pain at neck or the back. It is a natural pain-killer.
Fight The Free Radicals
Mangosteen has high antioxidants that will fight the free radicals and prevent diseases that caused by the free radicals substances. It also care the skin with the vitamin E content.
Treat Diabetes
Mangosteen contains some substances that can normalize the blood pressure and reduce the sugar content in the blood.
Lower Cholesterol
Xanthones substance of mangosteen can reduce the LDL and lower the cholesterol level.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of mangosteen, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of
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