Thursday, January 3, 2013
Mangosteen is a fruit that cannot be decayed. It become dry if it left for some days. It cannot be decayed because it has high antioxidants.
Mangosteen has a lot of advantages:
Treat And Prevent Cancer
Mangosteen extract can prevent the growth of cancer cells because mangosteen has high antioxidants. It will prevent the growth of lungs, liver and colon cancer cells.
Treat Some Deadly Diseases
Mangosteen contains xanthones substance that can treat some deadly diseases, like diabetes, cancer, anthritis, alzheimer, heart attack, etc.
Weight Loss
Xanthones substance of mangosteen can burn food to be energy faster. It will make the body healthier. And also can loss some weight, so it will healthier and slimmer.
Reduce Pain
Consume mangosteen routinely to reduce pain at neck or the back. It is a natural pain-killer.
Fight The Free Radicals
Mangosteen has high antioxidants that will fight the free radicals and prevent diseases that caused by the free radicals substances. It also care the skin with the vitamin E content.
Treat Diabetes
Mangosteen contains some substances that can normalize the blood pressure and reduce the sugar content in the blood.
Lower Cholesterol
Xanthones substance of mangosteen can reduce the LDL and lower the cholesterol level.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of mangosteen, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!
Title: Mangosteen
Posted by: Advantages Workshop
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