Dragon Fruit

Posted by Advantages Workshop Wednesday, October 31, 2012 0 comments
Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus undatus) is a fruit that contain a lot of vitamins and other good substances for our health. Dragon Fruit is a kind of cactus, it's come from Mexico and Latin America.
And the advantages of dragon fruit are:
  • Dragon Fruit have a high contents of antioxidants, so it can prevent cancer and counter free radicals.
  • Dragon fruit can help to reduce fat and weight if routinely consumed.
  • Dragon fruit contain vitamin B1, so it can help increasing produce of energy.
  • Dragon fruit also can increasing the appetite because it contain vitamin B2.
  • With high contents of vitamin C, it can increasing the immune.
  • Dragon fruit can neutralize toxic substances in the body.
  • Dragon fruit also can treating the heart.
And these are the nutritions contents of dragon fruit:
  • Carbohydrate: 11,5 gr
  • Vitamin C: 9,4 mg
  • Calcium: 134,5 mg
  • Fiber: 0,71gr
  • Magnesium: 60,4 mg
  • Phosphorus: 8,7 mg
  • Protein: 0,53 gr
  • Water: 90%
  • Sugar: 13-18 bricks
  • Acid: 0,139 gr
  • etc.
If we routinely consume dragon fruit, we will feel healthier day by day, so let's start to get the dragon fruit and get a better life. Beside it has a lot of advantages it also has a little sweet taste, it's a fresh fruit.
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of dragon fruit, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!

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Posted by Advantages Workshop Tuesday, October 30, 2012 0 comments
Called as Caricae Fructus by the scientist, papaya have a lot of advantages and a lot of nutrients and vitamins. Papaya contain high fiber, antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, flavonoid, some minerals, magnesium, folic acid and papain enziyme. Papain enzyme useful to digest protein. Papaya is very good for the digestive system, the beauty of body, skin and face, and it also have a sweet taste.
These are some advantages of papaya for health:

For Tighten Breast
Enzyme on papaya helps the growth of the breast so the breast gets tighter and larger. Papaya has the tighter hormone and vitamin A, they helps stimulate the growth of the breast. So, get the papaya everyday and you'll get a beautiful breast.

Acnes Solution
Papaya leaves can help reducing acnes. Papaya leaves masker can be use to reducing acnes or keep the health of face skin. Just take 2-3 leaves and dry in the sun, then mash it and pour a half spoon of water. Use the masker before sleep.

Increase Appetite
We talk about papaya leaves again. It's very bitter but it have advantages to increase the children's appetite. Take 1 leaf and mash it, then blend it with warm water and salt. Then squeeze and screen it.

We've explain about the contents and some advantages of papaya, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!

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Rodent Tuber

Posted by Advantages Workshop Sunday, October 28, 2012 0 comments
Called as Typhonium falgelliforme by the scientist, rodent tuber usually be used to cure and treat cancer in some countries in Asia, the countries among others Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.
This herb can cure some disease, like cancer, heart problems, flu, cough, hypertension, eliminate bad bacteria, etc.
The chemistry and nutrients of rodent tuber is not clearly known by the expert, but it absolutely can help us to fight the cancer cells in our body. Rodent tuber helps the healing process of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, cancer of pancreas, lung cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, neck cancer, brain tumor, prostate cancer, etc.
Except the cancers, rodent tuber can injuring migraine, hemorrhoid, sinusitis, and it can detect the disease that you have known it yet.
These are some advantages of consume rodent tuber:
  • Can fight and kill cancer cells.
  • Neutralize drugs toxic
  • Reducing the negative effects of chemotherapy.
  • Antivirus.
  • Antibacteria.
There are some ways to consume rodent tuber:

Fresh Herb/Uncooked
If the cancer's patient find rodent tuber, they can consume it directly with dosage 3 times a day @50 grams of  tubers and leaves.

Herbal Drink
Clean the rodent tuber then mash and squeeze it, and get the herbal drink of rodent tuber (rodent tuber juice).
  • Don't use metal tools to make the rodent tuber juice.
  • Don't keep the juice more than 3 hours.
  • The temporary storage have to keep in the refrigerator.
  • The itch in the mouth can reduced by consume sugar or honey.
  • To reduced the itch, we can use hot water (but don't boil the rodent tuber). 
We've explain about the contents and some advantages of rodent tuber, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!

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Posted by Advantages Workshop 0 comments
Called as Annona Muricata L by the scientist, soursop have a lot of advantages for us.
It have a lot of important nutrients for our health, it contain water, glucose and fructose, vitamin C, phosporus, calcium, and soursop also contain dietary fiber up to 3,3grams/100grams fruit.
If we consume 100 grams of soursop, we've fulfill our needs of dietary sugar every day, avoid our body from cancer with the antioxidants of vitamin C, prevent ostheophorosis with the phosporus and calcium, and a lot of other advantages if we consume soursop everyday.

Purdue University has a research, and the result is soursop leaves can fight the cancer cells in our body, absolutely it's a good news for all the cancer's victim.
These are some advantages if we choose this magical herb for our therapy to fight cancer:
  • Fight the cancer cells in a safe and natural way, without queasiness, hair loss, weight loss, it doesn't like the chemotherapy.
  • Keep the immune of body and keep the body from a deadly infection.
  • Increase the energy.
  • Effectively choose a target and kill 12 different types of cancer cells.
  • It doesn't like the chemotherapy, the juice of soursop just searchs and hunts the bad cells, so it's a safe way to get a healthy life.
These are some traditional receipts for treating diseases:

Take 10 old soursop leaves and boil with 3 glass of water then wait till remain a glass of boiled water, drink it twice a day for two weeks.

Lumbago (Waist Area Pain)
Take 20 soursop leaves and boil with 5 glass of water then wait till remain 3 glass of water, drink 3/4 of glass once a day, and keep the rest in your refrigerator.

Take a ripe soursop and get a glass of the juice, drink twice a day at morning and evening.

Take some young leaves, then put it on the disease area

Ureter Infection
Take a half ripe soursop and some sugar, boil the soursop and sugar and get 2 glass of  this medical drink.

Liver Disease
Don't eat any other food, just drink the soursop juice for a week.

Eczema And Rheumatic
Mash the leaves and stick or pour it to the sick area.

We've explain about the contents and some advantages of soursop and soursop leaves, we hope with this article we can help and inform all of our reader, Hopefully It's Useful!

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